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Small World WB Coffee: Grumpy Monkey

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This robust blend of winey Tanzanian Peaberry and spicy-rich Papua New Guinea delivers a full-bodied and flavorful cup. The name was inspired by co-founder Brant's tattoo of an ancient Aztec symbol, and we were dying to use it before we opened our first café. A worthy namesake was finally discovered when we developed this audacious blend.

  • Beans: Papua New Guinea, Tanzania Peaberry
  • Tasting Notes: Bold, Bright, Spicy
  • Acidity: 5
  • Body: 3

About Small World Coffee: Small World Coffee first opened its doors in the historic town center of Princeton, NJ in December 1993. The owners met just after graduating from college while working at a coffee shop in Ann Arbor, Michigan. They realized significant similarities while getting to know each other like they were both raised as expats while their father’s worked for General Motors. One lived in Spain and Korea for several years while the other lived In Italy, Australia, and Brazil, from age 4 to 16. This kind of childhood was eye-opening to not just the differences from country to country, but the underlying commonalities in the core needs and values of all people across the globe. Learning new languages, cultures, and traditions gave them a perspective that served well when developing their mission of Small World Coffee. 

They spent most of 1993 driving around the U.S. in search of the perfect college town to open Small World Coffee, a cafe for the locals that welcomes the world. Their year long road trip brought them to many college towns, but the brakes came to a screeching halt when Princeton was found, the perfect town gown experience, historic and collegiate with a cosmopolitan flair.

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