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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have kegs and taps?

Yes, we sell three sizes of kegs and have both standard and import taps.

½ Kegs: 165 12oz beers

¼ Kegs: 75 12oz beers

1/6 Kegs: 60 12oz beers

When ordering a Keg, there is a $30 deposit (paid at time of pickup) put on the barrel which will be refunded when the barrel is returned (with copy of receipt). When ordering a Keg Tap, the cost is $50 for a standard tap and $55 for an import tap, but that is fully refundable when the tap is brought back in working condition (with copy of receipt).

*We do not deliver kegs unless prearranged for an event.

How do I calculate how much alcohol I’ll need for a party?

Most guests will consume two drinks during the first hour of your event and one drink during each following hour. When planning an event serving wine, beer and spirits, the general rule of thumb is that: • 50% will prefer WINE • 30% will prefer BEER • 20% will prefer MIXED DRINKS

If you do not anticipate serving mixed drinks at your event, then you should plan on 60% of your guests consuming wine and 40% beer. Hate math? Contact us and we will be happy to help.

Are the product images on your site always accurate?

To the best of our ability yes, but brands are notorious for changing their bottle shapes and labels and we are not always up to date in getting the new image. Base the product's size and vintage off the product information, not off of the picture. If unsure please email us and we will send you an actual bottle shot.

Why am I having issues with checking out?

Google Chrome does not support Windows XP anymore so if you are using Windows XP and the chrome browser that is probably the main issue.

Lola's Cafe
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